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Matt again detaches 'Kinder' & 'Care' labels from gay people's normalcy

by Jeremy Hooper

Ann-Morris-FamiliesThe book features every kind of family under the societally-shared sun, never demanding that the reader agree with or accept any of the faith or formations featured, only requesting that he or she acknowledge that such families exist. And beyond that, all Matt Barber really knows is that one particular employee at one particular KinderCare location was privy to the book's inclusion.

But never mind the details. For Matt and his Liberty Counsel cohorts, a mere whiff of a pro-inclusion children's book provides grounds for a ban, burn, or boycott:

(click to play)
*SOURCE: KinderCare Learning Centers Push Homosexuality to 3 & 4-Year- [LC]



Oh, and yes, as commenter Mike points out: At the 5:36 mark, Matt does compare this to the teachings of Joseph Goebbels, a man who is literally responsible for the deaths of tens of thousands of Jews.


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