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Peter 'export gays/criminalize 'mos/become liability to your movement' Sprigg: 'I'm a Christian who deserves credence, for some reason unbeknownst to rational thought'
As with everything we write about the Family Research Council's Peter Sprigg, we must first remind you that this is a man who has called for both gays' criminalization and their exportation from the United States:
*SOURCE: Gays seek immigration reform [Medill Reports]
We feel compelled to repeat this ad nauseam because quite honestly, these comments -- along with others' Sprigg has made, such as when he said that homosexuality should be treated like smoking (which comes straight from Paul Cameron's resoundingly discredited playbook) -- are among the most unbelievably eyebrow-skyrocketing of any "culture war" notions we've ever heard. And these ideas are even more frightening than the reliably hyperbolic rhetoric of someone like Matt Barber or Peter LaBarbera, because Sprigg and FRC are not on the fringe: they are treated like part of the conservative establishment both within and outside of the Beltway. Even political figures like Sen. John McCain (Increasingly Further R-AZ) have catered to the group's discriminatory whims. Heck, even TV's popular Duggar family plan to rub shoulders with the group come September, their reality crew likely in tow for later basic cable consumption.
FRC, for some by-the-balls Republican reasoning, retains right wing respect. They must have scandalous photos of the GOP elephant having his luggage lifted. Or something.
All of which brings us to the now. Peter "export/criminalize" Sprigg was on Tony Perkins' radio program this past weekend talking about those who he wishes to forcibly jail and/or send to a remote island. And once again he attempted to deny the word "myth," so that it somehow does not apply to his own scientific-shunning views of homo-hostility, but instead applies to that body of sexual orientation research that's fully supported by every single body of credible science. Listen in:
(click to play audio clip)
*SOURCE: Washington Watch Weekly -- 6/18 [FRC]
The true myth? That a certain human beings= can go on national television and suggest that a rich and vibrant population sect can and should be forced out or jailed, yet still present himself as a "values" voice within this or any other civil American conversation. A myth that collapses just a little bit more every time FRC cuts a check in the name of the unabashedly bashing (and non-bashful about it) Peter Sprigg!
**Oh, and if you stick around past Sprigg, you will hear Tony and Gen. William Boykin carrying on about Tony's recently being disinvited from Andrews Air Force Base. So since no on one involved will do so, let us once again remind you that Tony "gays are held captive by the enemy" Perkins was disinvited not because he's a simple Christian conservative doing God's work. He was disinvited because he, just moments after the State of the Union speech, wrote that this nation's Commander in Chief is "willing to jeopardize our nation’s security to advance the agenda of the radical homosexual lobby." For many within the military culture, comments like these go well beyond normal politicking and partisan politics -- they are unfair assessments of the person who outranks all other military officers. And since nobody is constitutionally owed a speaking engagement, that same military culture has every right to disinvite a speaker who has, on his own volition, put forth such a disrespectful judgment of the Commander in Chief's own judgment call.
It's time for Tony to donate this particular victim suit to a charity that can actually fit into it!!!! Even if outlets like Fox News refuse to say so.