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Skelton: How will we preserve the sanctity of make-believe?!

by Jeremy Hooper

There is war among us. Every day we see new images of oil-covered animals. We see poverty on a global scale. The planet and its resources are being degraded at a frightening pace. Oh, and Dina might leave the "Real Housewives of New Jersey." YIKES!

But forget these matters of concerned note. For the Democratic Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, it's open service that makes for a difficult parent-child conversation:

Screen Shot 2010-06-09 At 1.15.36 Pm-1Conservative Missouri Democrat Rep. Ike Shelton, the chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, said today that the military should keep the "don't ask, don't tell" policy intact in part to avoid parents having to talk to their children about homosexuality.
"What do mommies and daddies say to their 7-year-old child?" he asked.

Lawmaker Warns "Don't Ask" Repeal Means Talking to Kids About Homosexuality [CBS News]

Well, Chairman Skelton, you might as well tell them that they'll remain forever seven or that Sponges named Bob can and do wear square pants. Because if you're going to ignore the reality of LGBT people, then why acknowledge any of the natural world's tangible truths?!

Fortunately the seven(ish)-year -olds in this writer's immediate life are more likely to ask, "What's an Ike Skelton?" I say "fortunately," because I'd hate for them to start thinking, for the first time in their young lives, that there's a reason why they should question the gay uncles (and other family members) who they love so dearly.

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