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'They'll always demand more,' says she who demands our nothingness
This from the Concerned Women For America's Wendy Wright:
"President Obama seems to be going far out of his way to try and keep homosexual activists happy," ... "but the problem is, they'll never be happy – they'll always demand more."
We reply:
"No Wendy, that's just what you want/need to believe in order to play out your preconceived "gays are militant" script. In reality, LGBT people would have NO DEMANDS if conservative people of faith and 'pro-family' groups like CWA didn't demand certain lives and loves to pass unequal tests in order to prove their worth within the American fabric!
We have an endgame: It's called full equality under civil law! The problem is that you on the far-right also have an endgame: It's called an LGBT population that is silenced, closeted, or worse!"
Then, of calls for repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act, expansion of rights in certain areas, and the president's overall commitment to unions just short of the word marriage, Wendy goes on to say:
"President Obama seems to have a different agenda now than he did when he ran for office," ..."When he ran for office, he left most people with the impression that he supported marriage between one man and one woman." [SOURCE]
We reply:
"Oh really, W.W.? The 'agenda' is different now? Well that's interesting, since even though President Obama has (annoyingly) held off from full marriage support, we quite fully remember Candidate Obama supporting both the repeal of DOMA and the full extension of all of the same civil rights and benefits that are afforded to same-sex couples. And in fact: We don't have to remember, since society has mastered video camera technology:
If you see a different 'agenda' in the 2010 edition of Barack Obama, Wendy, then you were simply paying way too much attention to hockey moms and plumbers named Joe to notice what he was actually saying back in '08. Because nothing has really changed except his access to executive power!
As for President Obama going out of his way to keep anti-homosexual activists happy by keeping his "one man, one woman" marriage wording? The problem is, you all will never be happy -- you'll always demand more."