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Why is the opposition so 'held captive' by the far-right?

by Jeremy Hooper

Back in March, while speaking at a Nashville Baptist church, Family Research Council president Tony Perkins claimed that gays and others who he debates are "being held captive by the enemy":

Screen Shot 2010-03-01 At 10.28.06 Am-1
(click to play audio clip)
*FULL VIDEO: The Quest For Change -- Tony Perkins [Grace Chapel]

So where does such rhetoric get you in conservative circles? A plum spot testifying against a SCOTUS nominee, natch:

Credibility FAIL: FRC's Tony Perkins to testify during Kagan confirmation hearing [Pam]

It's absurd, really. What should be a high-minded, important debate about CIVIL law will be, at least temporarily, turned into a wholly faith-based stage for unabashedly anti-progressive, anti-LGBT views. And a slot that could go to a reasoned voice of opposition is instead relinquished to the far-right agenda.

This is a man who is already on record accusing Kagan of wanting "to use the military to advance the left's radical social policy" (i.e. Don't Ask Don't Tell repeal) more than she wants "to defend our nation against terrorism." That's not a merely conservative accusation: It truly is character assassination! And at the very least, it's the kind of non-starter that should force Kagan's GOP opponents to stop wasting everyone's time with this hyperbolic figure whose agenda is preconceived, whose views are unapologetically "live and let life (by my standard and my standard only)," and whose concern for this fair-minded judicial process is anything but judicious!

Now if you'll excuse me, I must go ask "the enemy" if he'll temporarily unchain my gay ass so that I can go pee.

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