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Yea, yea, daughter -- we'll BBQ. First I just wanna tell you again how gays are destroying our country's future, so I can use it on Tuesday for political mileage. Say cheese, honey!

by Jeremy Hooper

Tony Perkins is still enlisting troops for his fight to make gays seem like the most dangerous WMD the American military could ever fear to face.  The latest recruit in this unprincipled mission?  His very own daughter, whose name, tale, and pic are used in FRC's latest anti-open service polemic:

Tony Kendal Gttysbrg L-1After the events in Washington last week -- a week in which the congressional majority showed their contempt for our nation's military -- my oldest daughter, Kendal, and I took a journey together back in time to renew our appreciation for the price of our freedom. On the heels of Congress forcing open homosexuality upon the military, we visited Valley Forge where George Washington and his army, freezing and starved, held up in the winter of 1777. Thomas Paine's words, written the year before, no doubt helped prepare the way for the struggle and sacrifice. "These are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of the country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman."
Later that weekend, we visited the site of the most costly battle in American lives -- Gettysburg -- and stood at the high water point where Pickett's charge took place. We looked across the fields where, 147 years ago, the soil was soaked with the blood of Americans who gave their lives to give our nation- in President Lincoln's words -- a new "birth of freedom." While some in Washington have obviously forgotten, we must never lose sight of the men and women who have served on the fields of battle and laid down their lives for their friends. As Jesus said, "greater love hath no man."

The High Price of Freedom [FRC]

Patronizing statues in order to justify stone-cold stances against gay people?  It's an odd kind of father-daughter tour (and publicity choice), for sure.  But one that totally explains why all of our D.C. friends kept overhearing "Dad, can we please talk about something else?!  You're obsessed!!" over the long holiday weekend.

Because let's get real: Even if young Kendal shares dads politics, who the heck wants to spend the unofficial start of summer hearing nonstop about the unofficial start of gay-initiated Armageddon?  Oy! And here you thought your dad's knee high tube socks were embarrassing!

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