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Audio: Citing slope towards pedo & poly, #NOMTour speaker backs nothing more than roommate-like rights
Should you attend today's National Organization For Marriage rally in Rochester, MN, and should you want to be treated like an equal citizen regardless of your sexual orientation, take heart. Because one of today's featured speakers, Gary Borgendale, is totally okay with you having the same kind of "reciprocal benefits" that might be afforded to two elderly sisters:
(click to play audio clip)
[KKMS Live, 8/25/2006]
Isn't that nice of Gary and his Minnesota marriage supporters? They are "open" to us gay folk being treated just like business colleagues (*unless you shtup your colleague, in which case -- sorry).
You remember that part of the founding documents, right? The one about all citizens being created as equal as conservative Christians want them to be? About "we the people" (who evangelicals don;t care to wee on)? These oh-so-American ideas seem to be the guiding principles here.
But you know, Gary is just looking out for culture. If he and his pals don't hold the line, then we gays are going to open up a Pandora's Box of "perversions," dontcha know? Thanks, of course, to shows like "Big Love" and groups like NAMBLA:
(click to play audio clip)
[KKMS Live, 8/25/2006]
He's right -- I do love me some "Big Love." Especially Nikki. So clearly I have to take on polygamy as a cause, one way or another.
Of course we gay folk are not allowed to argue our points on their merits. DUH! We are responsible for defending every unrelated thing under the sun -- even notions like polygamy that are actually BIBLICAL concepts! Ya know, because even though the world comes with a slope by virtue of the existence of people, the expanse of human intuition, the nature of free will, and a range of ideas that has always spanned from heinous to upstanding, it's really us LGBT peeps who've fully lubed up said slope by virtue of nothing more than our civil, constitutionally-backed quest for peace, love, and equality. Right?
He's got us all figured out, that Gary Borgendale. And his are just one more set of ideas helping America figure out what the National Organization For Marriage is really all about!
*EARLIER: Another Minnesota NOM tour speaker, Brad Brandon, also cited things like pedophilia and adultery in his opposition to loving gay couples being recognized under the civil law:
NOM's hurtful voices: 'One hand, one woman' edition [G-A-Y]
And what do you know? Brandon and Borgendale work at the same radio station!