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Audio: On NOM tour, Morse is like the professor. Her lesson: Proving that NOM's nice, civil mask is long gone!
Yesterday, we let you listen to her try to convince the tiny crowd at the Augusta, ME, NOM rally that there is one and only "public purpose of marriage." Now comes audio from yesterday's Manchester, NH, tour stop, where Dr. Jennifer Morse proceeded to (1) paint same-sex marriage as unnatural, (2) suggest that the very idea of same-sex marriage is "entirely a creature of the state," (3) offensively suggest that she and her fellow heterosexual citizens would be willing to throw us some legal bones regarding the "practical things same-sex couples want to do," (4) suggest that this nation's marriage retreats largely have the desire to be homo-hostile and discriminatory, (5) knock the wonderful and thriving Canada for being equality pioneers, (5) Posit heterosexuality as this world's one and true normalcy (with the obvious suggestion being that homosexuality is not), (6) boldly call marriage equality for same-sex couples "a hostile takeover of the whole civil society," and (7) blame gays for Catholic Charities own choice -- OWN CHOICE! -- to shut down programs rather than be non-discriminatory to LGBT people. All of which earned her smatterings and smatterings of extremely muted applause.
Oh, and she touts one of the most exaggerated mispronunciations of Quebec this writer has ever heard. Enjoy, fellow hostiles:
(click to play audio clip)
*AUDIO SOURCE: Ruth Institute (with comment section)