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Audio: Tony Perkins: 'Held captive by lazy sermon writer'
When it comes to those certain human beings who he's decided are his political opponents simply because they live the way they were created, the Family Research Council's Tony Perkins really needs to find a new way of implying that his adversaries are possessed by some sort of evil being. Because frankly, his "held captive by the enemy" schtick is getting really old:
#1: 2/28/10, Nashville, Tennessee's Grace Chapel Church:
(click to play audio clip)
*FULL VIDEO: The Quest For Change -- Tony Perkins [Grace Chapel]
#2: 7/4/10, First Baptist Church of Houston (a town with a lesbian mayor, btw):
(click to play audio clip)
(*sorry, audio's a little low)
*FULL AUDIO: Tony Perkins -- 7/4/10 [FBCH]
Come on, T.P. If you're going to viciously/smugly attack our characters in front of sizable congregations, at least be a little bit innovative. Trust me, dude: You're in no danger of coming across as progressive. You can afford to play a little with avant-garde attack lines.
*EARLIER HACKINESS: The time Tony took a forty year old joke then told it twice in the same week, all for the purposes of scoring a cheap laugh at the expense of brave soldiers who happen to be gay: Hacky, both in style and intent [G-A-Y]
**MORE ON TONY, the man whose conservative star (he just testified against Kagan) is rising in direct proportion to his incendiary rhetoric: FRC's Call2Fall Hopes to Prevent God From Destroying America Due To Our "Sexual Immorality and Perversion" [Right Wing Watch]