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Border offense: Mo' immigrants are fine (just as long as that apostrophe doesn't shift)
What is it with the name Peter and the itch to equip border guards with "ex-gay" specs? There's the Family Research Council's Peter Sprigg:
And now this from Americans for [::ahem::] Truth's Peter LaBarbera:
"[The Uniting American Families Act] is just a really bad idea. We do not want to incentivize people practicing homosexuality to come into the United States -- it's that simple," LaBarbera notes. "There are people waiting in line for years and years, normal families, to legally immigrate into the United States."
"The idea that we would recreate the family to now include two men or two women instead of a mom and a dad, all the while importing more practicing homosexuals into the United States, is absurd," he continues. "And this is very radical legislation." [SOURCE]
Kind of makes you worry what they'd use for kindling to light America's supposed melting pot!
But he's probably right: People who are merely practicing homosexuality might wanna wait before coming to the U.S. If our synchronized schtupping team wants any chance in the 2016 Olympics, we're gonna need pros.