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Decoding nonsense with man who used to code it

by Jeremy Hooper

We can talk all day about what the "pro-family" troops are and are not trying to do. But those who have been on the inside will always have a leg up on us in terms of firsthand insight.

Which is exactly why Pam Spaulding got a bona fide former American Family Association staffer, Joe Murray, to take on the AFA's latest e-blast pertaining to DADT repeal. Check it out:

When the reader opens the AFA email, he cannot help but see a picture of what appears to be a U.S. soldier sitting alone on a Middle Eastern street. The solider looks exhausted, isolated, and desperate. His picture is centered Joemurray Small-1and on his right (viewer's left), are the words "DON'T ASK" and on his left (viewer's right) are the words "DON'T TELL."

The insinuation is clear - thanks to the power of the "homosexual" lobby and a complacent administration, U.S. soldiers are left stranded on the battlefield as a new batch of recruits are soon to be inducted into the military under the rainbow flag. In other words, the image is an unfortunate manipulation of U.S. troops to further a profitable political message.
*FULL PIECE: Guest column by former AFA staff attorney Joe Murray: Welcome to the DADT Circus [Pam]

Resourceful, both Murray and Spaulding.

**ALSO: The e-blast in question is promoting tonight's Family Research Council anti-DADT repeal webcast. The same one where Bryan "homosexuals in the military gave us...six million dead Jews" Fischer will join folks like FRC's Peter "I'd prefer to export gays from the United States" Sprigg to tell us all about American fairness.

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