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Gays, serial killers, and child molesters are scum of a feather, says NOM ally's Facebook wall
And now another loving bit of Christian activism from the "Protect Marriage" Facebook page of official NOM strategist Louis "gays want pedophilia, prostitution, and polygamy" Marinelli (the very same Facebook page to which NOM has themselves linked, saying it is a way "to join the #NOM team"):
Now, it of course wouldn't be fair to directly attribute these words to either NOM or Marinelli. It may be Marinelli's site, he may be working with NOM, and NOM might support the site itself, but no web personality can or should be held accountable for every comment that is made on their page. This is supported by law, in fact.
But -- but, but, but, but, but -- it is absolutely fair to see this is a voice from "NOM's team." Again, it was NOM who said, via Twitter, that this F'book page is a way to "to join the #NOM team." And almost all of the stories that Marinelli and Co. post on this Facebook wall come directly from NOM. So it's perfectly fair to see this commenter as someone who took initiative, based upon the rhetoric that NOM and allies are putting out, to step up and do what he sees as contributive to the exact same anti-gay cause that has banned us in so many states. And it's equally fair to be frightened/outraged/saddened by what this movement, as a generalized, monolithic unit, is doing to our country, its people, and its strength!
**UPDATE: Another from this same guy: