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Gays trade rings for friendship bracelets: NOM tour keeps bringing the hits
According to official NOM strategist Louis "gays want pedophilia, polygamy, and prostitution" Marinelli, the Ruth Institute's Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse had the audacity to utter this line during yesterday's sparsely attended NOM rally:
"By the time these [activists of the homosexual agenda] get finished redefining marriage, there will be nothing left but a government registry of friendships," Dr. Morse said after laying out the differences between why people get married and the actual purpose of marriage.
Summer Marriage Tour kicks-off in Augusta [Marinelli's NOM Tour blog]
Because that's really what these characters see us as: Bunk mates. Sleepover pals. BFF's. Poker buddies (de-emphasis on the poke).
But then again, would this even be so bad? Isn't the cliché to say that folks should marry their best friends? And in a world where groups like NOM dedicate their days to cultivating animus and division, would it be the worst thing for us to come to a culture of great friendship?
And at the very least: Do we really think the NOM bus is going to fear-mongery mileage out of this kind of line? I mean, what next: Talking points about how the gay agenda will leave us with nothing but scented candles and adorable puppies?