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'Mad Men' not July's only retro return

by Jeremy Hooper

Anita-BryantShe's baaaaack. This from Gossip Boy:

The controversial Queen of Gay Hate, Anita Bryant, will be returning to the stage on July 9, 2010 for a patriotic performance in Yukon, OK before an Oklahoma-based group that has become nationally known for its malevolent attacks on gays and whose members include the husband of leading homophobe State Rep. Sally Kern.

Bryant’s appearance is part of a two-day conference spanning July 9th and 10th calling for a return to America’s Christian heritage, a crusade against Muslims and gays, and will coincide with the first ever Patriot Pastors Tea Party. The headliner for the event is the widely discredited David Barton, who, to push his Christian heritage agenda, has been caught numerous times fudging history and fabricating quotes that he would then claim were made by the Founding Fathers. Barton has gained criticism for speaking at Christian Identity gatherings that called for the execution of homosexuals.
(H/t: Joe.My.God)

Hmm, this writer is so conflicted. On one hand: I love kitsch and vintage-y goods in general. So the nostalgist in me is all like, "Wow, yay -- road trip to OK!"

But then I remember that (a) so much of my retro purchases end up in the closet, and (b) that I myself never will. So is my retro bone worth expending my mental health?

Decision made: I'll stay home, drink some orange juice, and watch Milk. Because flea markets are total yays. But as for being painted as a soul-sucking flea on America's taint? Not so much.

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