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NOM Day 2: Loads of national press can't buy a crowd

by Jeremy Hooper

Day 2 of the NOM marriage tour, this time with a stop-off in Manchester, NH. Despite local, national, mainstream (TV and print), and blogger news reports; despite social media outreach; despite church bulletins; despite mucho e-blasts to their own lists -- Brian Brown and company still turned in a paltry showing:

(NOTE: All the people across the street are pro-equality demonstrators)
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[NOM Flickr]

Now, to be fair: it is a weekday. At noon. The crowds will surely be bigger this weekend.

But still: This tour has gotten a lot of advance press and promotion. 50-100 people is very paltry!


**To be fair, NOM strategist, bus driver, and blogger Lou Marinelli has posted another pic, which does show a few more peeps:

Img 0261-1

But nowhere near the 150 for his side that Marinelli is claiming on his blog. I count 65 or so.

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