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NOM doesn't want you to confuse them with that other group (with whom they've been cozily working)

by Jeremy Hooper

Remember how we exposed the obvious mutual ties between Lou "gays want prostitution, pedophilia, and polygamy" Marinelli and the National Organization For Marriage? Yea, well check this out. Someone or something has led Lou to change his "Protect Marriage" Facebook page (the same one to which NOM was last month directing their own followers) so that Maggie Gallagher, Brian Brown, and company can put up a newfound wall of separation where previously there had been much coziness:

Last week:
Screen Shot 2010-07-05 At 4.53.36 Pm-1
This week:
Screen Shot 2010-07-05 At 4.54.19 Pm

NOM logo now gone, NOM website now removed, and all of the text now indicating that NOM is a separate entity. Which is all very funny, considering that (a) Lou has already identified himself as a "NOM strategist"; (b) Lou has already declared that his group is "working directly for the National Organization For Marriage"; (c) Lou was promoting his brainchild Summer Marriage Tour way back in March (before NOM was even on board); and (d) NOM was directing it users to this "Protect Marriage" Facebook as recently as 6/22, which they said was a way that one could "join the NOM team". What, was it something we said (about the countless over-the-top things that Louis himself said)?

Ya know, we would say that we hope we didn't break up this marriage. But considering the heartache that these folks have chosen, on their own accord, to bring to so many gays' and lesbians' own unions? Uhm, yea: We're pretty much hoping they both lose their shirts in this messy divorce!


*EARLIER: The first step towards damage control involve Louis deleting the most heinous element: The YouTube video where he declared that gays are seeking "pedophilia, prostitution, and polygamy." Then he started engaging us on Twitter: Reeling it back, hoping we were born yesterday [G-A-Y]


**UPDATE, 7/13: But wait -- now, in a truly odd turn of events, NOM is coming right out and admitting that they are connected, changing their official Facebook page to Marinelli's own effort: Who needs a militant agenda? NOM has allowed selves (and message) to be hijacked [G-A-Y]

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