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NOM: Putting the 'diss Courage' in discouraging
From the Courage Campaign:
Just a few minutes ago (shortly before 1 p.m. ET), Brian Brown had police officers remove the Courage Campaign’s NOM Tour Tracker videographer from the Maryland NOM rally — or risk arrest.
We were told that all counter-protesters must remain across the street. When I explained to the officers –- who became enraged as I started videotaping his explanation -– that we were not counter-protesters, that we had no signs, were leading no chants and were merely documenting the rally, they said that it didn’t matter.
Maybe Brown is concerned about our work documenting the rally because, yet again, the turnout today for the NOM rally in Annapolis was extremely low (about 25 people, including staff, but I’ll get a hand-count out later), even lower than previous events on NOM’s “Summer for Marriage: One Man, One Woman” tour.
Stay tuned. . . we’ve got film of our videographer being removed from the rally coming soon.
BREAKING: NOM Tour Tracker videographer threatened with arrest by Brian Brown, Maryland police [NOM Tour Tracker]
**UPDATE, again from Courage: This sparse photo from mid-rally shows why videographic evidence was not at Brian Brown's forefront: