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NOM tour: Now with even more sleight of hand

by Jeremy Hooper

This anecdote comes from the Courage Campaign's NOM Tour Tracker:

I videotaped one NOM supporter approach the young children of a lesbian counter-protestor with a magic trick. He held up a red and blue card.

“Which card is longer?”

The guardian of the children intervened.

“Don’t talk to my children.”

The man demonstrated the card trick for me. On the back [is] a copy of the Ten Commandments.

NOM outnumbered again: Despite largest turnout of tour, NOM fails to outdraw equality supporters in St. Paul, MN [NOM Tour Tracker]

Wait a minute: The same Ten Commandments that say absolutely nothing about LGBT people, but do quite clearly mention bearing false witness? Hmm. Considering this is coming from an anti-equality movement that wouldn't exist without smoke and mirrors, you'll have to forgive us if we're less than impressed with this particular trick!

Plus we'd warn this NOM supporter about wasting his deck. After this tour, NOM's house of cards is going to need all the support it can get!

**MORE: A pic from today's rally, courtesy of @cameronerickson:

Screen Shot 2010-07-28 At 2.00.26 Pm

NOM did get more supporters today (even though they were reportedly still outnumbered). Guess their people all lost their jobs or something.


**UPDATE: Now some other reports say NOM had more on their side, while others say an even split. Bottom line: NOM did manage to get some people out today.

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