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NOM's hurtful voices: It's not just about gays edition

by Jeremy Hooper

This past March, Pastor Dennis Campbell of St Cloud, Minnesota's Granite City Baptist Church placed the following ad in the local St. Cloud Times:

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Wow, okay. So what does this kind of sentiment, which cruelly and monolithically excludes and divides us as a people, earn someone? Well, in the eyes of the National Organization for Marriage, which cruelly and monolithically excludes and divides us over the non-issue of marriage equality, it earns the speaker a plum hosting role:

The National Organization for Marriage is traveling to Madison, Wis., on Tuesday, St. Paul on Wednesday, St. Cloud Thursday and Rochester Friday. The group plans to stop in 23 cities in 19 states before wrapping up with a rally in Washington on Aug. 15.

Granite City Baptist Church Pastor Dennis Campbell tells WJON radio that the organization contacted him about bringing the rally to St. Cloud and he agreed to host because it has a message he supports.
The National Organization for Marriage Rallies Against Homosexual Marriage [BCNN]
**MORE: Church behind anti-Islam ad to host national anti-gay marriage group [Minn. Independent]

Yes, that's right: NOM is willingly signing on to this locally infamous rhetoric. In fact, if Campbell is telling the truth, then NOM, a group that preaches incessantly about "religious freedom," actually solicited a man and a venue (where Campell has been pastor since 1976) where the sense of religious tolerance seems to be limited between "Evan" and "gelical"!

Wake up, America. Gays may be the scapegoat -- but if you watch as closely as we do, you'll learn that the vision goes well beyond the rainbow!

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