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NOM's stock-photo-collection-on-wheels finds one incredibly off-message driver

by Jeremy Hooper

Official NOM strategist Louis "gays want pedophilia, polygamy, and prostitution" Marinelli is continuing his journey along the National Organization For Marriage Summer tour. Here young Louis poses with what might be the tackiest RV since Cousin Eddie's in National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation, before he heads on his way to pick up NOM president Brian Brown for some good ol' fashioned road trippin':


The schedule has me going Connecticut to pick up Brian Brown and his family on Tuesday.

The first rally on the marriage tour is in Augusta, Maine on July 14th in Capital Park

Marriage Tour RV departs Atlanta [Marinelli's NOM Marriage Tour blog]

Ooh that'll be fun for Brian, introducing his kids to the NOM colleague who uses Paul Cameron's research to say that "gays have shorter life spans," who thinks that all gays are single even if they are married or in a committed relationship, who thinks that Peter LaBarbera and his fringe "Americans For Truth" group is merely "tell the truth about homosexuality," who says that marriage equality is "a mockery and a hijacking of the civil rights movement," who flat-out calls gays an abomination, who says that "Deviance" describes actions or behaviours that violate cultural norms - homosexuality is far from a cultural norm. Therefore, it is deviant," who claims that "Homosexuality and gay marriage are wrong and harmful to society," who thinks that "there shouldn't be any recognition of homosexual relationships because that is saying that homosexuality is OK," who says that "what they do is blantantly [sic] immoral. :) [smile his own], " who has compared our unions to that which might exist between a sterile brother and sister, who resorts to blanket character assassination in saying that one should "#nevertrust activists of the homosexual agenda - they are deceitful people who care only about themselves and not what's best for society," and who has made an egregious video declaring that modern LGBT rights activists want the "3 P's: Prostitution, pedophilia, and polygamy":

Truly "pro-family," this guy. [::eye roll::]

We just hope NOM remembers to empty out the RV:

Because with the amount of toxic rhetoric Marinelli has been spewing over the past year or so, this is one NOM vehicle that's very much in danger of sinking!


**FYI: Louis is now commenting on this site, continuing his attempts to link gays with pedophilia and polygamy. Go to this post to interact with him.

**MORE: On Louis' "Protect Marriage" Facebook page, the moderator is now promoting "ex-gay" therapy:

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