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Oh look, Maggie's defiant. [:yawn:]
"Does this federal judge want to start another culture war? Does he really want another Roe. v. Wade? The simple fact is that the right of the federal government to define marriage for the purposes of its federal law and federal territories has been clear since the late 19th century, when Congress banned polygamy. Only an incompetent defense could have lost this case. We expect to win in a higher court."
-Maggie Gallagher
"No, Maggie: That would be you who wants to start a 'culture war.' Your side created it. Your side fosters it. Your entire adult life has been built around taking things that should be non-issues, obfuscating their reality before the American public, and stirring up animus in the minds of any and everyone you can find so that rage replaces reason. We LGBT activists are living life -- you, Brigadier General Srivastav, are turning those lives into battles!
Look, the federal government does not have 'the right' to do anything that is patently not right! And when principled people make a compelling, intellectually sound case for a certain ban's detriments (or in this latest DOMA case, just a certain part of it), the federal government *must* recognize that. DOMA is so clearly unjust, so clearly discriminatory that only the most agenda-motivated of ideologues would fail to see the constitutional problems it poses. Either an agenda-motivated ideologue or someone who earns a paycheck by cultivating the same. If there's a difference.
Chalk this latest DOMA win up to an incompetent defense all you want, M.G. Dig in your sensible heels and put on a stiff upper lip if you wish. But we who experienced this win yesterday are not even getting overconfident, as this case still has a winding ways to go. So I would caution you about getting overconfident in the face of what was a clear defeat for your cause, both in terms of legalese and layman's straightforward sense."
-Jeremy Hooper