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One man (who celebrates Christmas), one woman (who observes Easter)

by Jeremy Hooper

Lest you think the Concerned Women For America are only interested in controlling our same-sex unions, let us now look at the latest Janice-Shaw-Crousefrom CWA's Janice Crouse. Because as you will see, she's not too keen on Christians in interfaith marriages either:

Religion that is not practiced is little more than a set of myths and of no more significance than the fairy tales told to toddlers at bedtime. Faith that does not make demands on behavior is not faith at all. Inevitably, a lack of unity in faith entails multiple problems on both the little and the large issues that couples continuously encounter as they face the task of building a strong, meaningful, harmonious marriage. How could it possibly be otherwise?
Clinton Wedding Raises Questions of Interfaith Marriage [CWA]

It's an important point to recognize. Because even though gay marriages are clearly of much greater "concern" to them, it's clear that many of members of our organized opposition are truly seeking a world where "traditional marriage" is far more limited than they'd ever publicly admit. A world where they see within themselves a right to "raise questions" about everyone else's partnership and the civil recognition thereof. It's a push that should not only concern LGBT people and their allies, but rather anyone who knows that hearts function best when their barbed wire is removed!

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