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Someone please get NOM a better mirror

by Jeremy Hooper
Screen Shot 2010-07-28 At 4.12.33 Pm“We’ve taken great pains to make clear what we're all about. We view ourselves as a new civil rights movement…. committed to something that in the 1960s was key: the right to vote.”

-NOM's Brian Brown at today's St. Paul rally

Except for the fact that '60s era civil rights (most notably, for this conversation, when it comes to marriage) weren't ultimately determined by a majority public vote, and most were obtained at times when they still lagged behind in public opinion polls. And of course the most obvious: That people like Brian Brown are not being denied of ONE THING under current or proposed marriage law, making their invocation of "civil rights movement" deeply offensive to all of those who have been cruelly, blindly, unjustly denied throughout history.

But why focus on those little points when there's a flawed meme to spin?

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