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The National Organization for [scientifically rejected 'ex-gay' therapy]
In addition to the idea that the National Organization for Marriage has a decided strategy of victimization, there's another parallel thread that I'd like to suggest we who cover this group start mentioning on a more frequent basis. That is: The fact that NOM, by virtue of the people with whom they frequently associate and/or promote, have proven that their true agenda goes well beyond marriage rights for same-sex couples.
Take their latest tour stop from Columbus, OH. One of the speakers that NOM put at the podium was Bobbi Radeck from the Concerned Women For America. And NOM is now heavily promoting Radeck's appearance on their blog and Twitter feed:
"Concerned Woman for America stands together with NOM in one voice: Gays and lesbians have the right to live as they want to, but they do not have the right to redefine marriage for the rest of us."
Bobbi Radeck of CWA-Ohio in Columbus [NOM Blog]
But check this out: We've discovered that as recently as May, Ms. Radeck was aggressively promoting the offensive, scientifically-discredited notion that gays can and should "change" via so-called "ex-gay" therapy:
The piece to which Ms. Radeck linked is a hostile attack against "the forces of darkness and evil around us," aimed at "healing" what the author, Michael Glatze, calls his "fellow brothers and sisters in bondage." It's completely off NOM's usual message. But remember what Ms. Radeck said in the quote above: She "stands with NOM in one voice." One voice that is screaming damaging untruths, regardless of what the science says!
And this is not the first time "ex-gay" has come up on this NOM tour. In Augusta, ME, the NOM team heavily promoted Bob Emrich. The same Bob Emrich who links to many over-the-top "ex-gay" videos on his official YouTube page (and who has defended them to this writer). Again: If NOM wants him on their tour (just like they wanted him on their "yes on 1" campaign), then they clearly think Bob's saying and doing the right thing. Every single credible science group in this nation -- EVERY LAST ONE! -- disagrees.
But that's the thing with our opposition. They can try the nice, "it's all about families" talk all they want. But more often than not, one only has to give the teeniest, tiniest tug on the "culture war" threat to yank out messes of undeniable attacks on the cores of LGBT people's beings. We just need to start seeing it and saying it at every chance we get!