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They who make us sound like volcano praise Lingle's societal protection
Want further proof that Hawaii Gov. Linda Lingle's civil unions veto was a homo-hostile move? Well here, this comes from Focus on the Family:
I am pleased with the Governor’s action, and her statements even more so. Her words show her respect for the voter, and her recognition that the civil union bill was really about marriage. Its passage would have represented a sweeping social change that would affect generations of Hawaii’s citizens.
Lingle’s words are a breath of fresh air in a year humid with political grasping and pleasing.
Lingle veto shows respect for voters and marriage [FOtF DriveThru blog]
This coming from the same group that considers all gay bans and "ex-gay" programs to themselves be pleasing. When it comes to what they consider to be fresh breaths, we're totally and proudly on team halitosis!