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Video: Congrats, L. Lohan -- your sentencing no longer worst misusage of 'breaking news' label

by Jeremy Hooper

OMG -- The National Organization For Marriage has made yet another fake "breaking news" report. And this time, they even refer to NOM in the third person, as if someone other than their own team made this propaganda piece:

What a shameless exercise! The obvious intent here is to come across like an independent report shot by an objective voice. If would've been bad enough for them to overlook the "why" of this pro-equality push back, which was only necessary because NOM descended on Madison for the sole purpose -- THE SOLE PURPOSE! -- of telling gay citizens that they are unequal. But to craft their in-house footage into independent "journalism"!?!? Well if that's not bearing false witness, then we don't know what is!

What next, NOM -- Gonna convert some of your other "scary" footage into black-and-white and slap "Hitchcock" on the beginning?


**What the pro-equality motivations actually sounded like:

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