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Video: Hitler where it hurts
The "Daily" crew takes on a Lively subject (with cameos from G-A-Y friends Michael Crawford, Jamie McGonnigal, Corey Johnson, Corey Johnson, and Dan Choi):
Welcome to the world we challenge daily, "Show"! Fun, ain't it?
**While this stuff sounds nutty and is a perfect fit for mocking, let's not pretend it's detached from the mainstream conservative movement. At the Family Research Council's recent DADT webcast, that conservative mega-group put the American Family Association's Bryan Fischer on alongside sitting members of Congress. The same Bryan Fischer who proudly touts Lively's views, saying that only gays were savage enough for Hitler and that because of this, "homosexuals in the military gave us...six million dead Jews."
*ALSO: Lively is an official signatory to the rabidly-anti-gay-yet-supposedly-"mainstream" Manhattan Declaration. This is the document that was crafted by Focus on the Family's Jim Daly, "pro-family" (and Watergate) figure Chuck Colson, and NOM's Robert George, among others. All are mainstream figures in conservative circles.