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Video: It's like FRC doesn't care that a camera's actually recording this stuff
We had given you a heads up about Bryan "homosexuals in the military gave us...six million dead Jews" Fischer's role. But it turns out that the Family Research Council's anti-open service webcast packed a "WTF?!" wallop that went well beyond the incendiary Fischer.
Ideas like: Inclusive forces will stop conservative, homeschool recruitment, yet greatly increase the NAMBLA members in uniform:
Oh, and a spoon becomes a knife when one of the is participants is 'mo:
All this just to keep some otherwise qualified citizens from the right to fight and possibly die for their country. When it comes to worrying what a fellow citizen might do one behind his or her back, you'll have to forgive us if we're more concerned about those who think homosexuality itself is a justification for war!
Right Wing Watch has a full write-up plus more eyebrow-raising video: FRC's Webcast Exposes The Fatuous Fraudulence of Their DADT Campaign [Right Wing Watch]