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We might just disobey, says Team Obey Us Or Else!
As public policy becomes more inclusive/protective of society's LGBT people, are we going to see more of our Christian opposition acting outside the boundaries of the law? Well, in a word: Yes. In the following video, two framers of the pointedly-anti-gay Manhattan Declaration coming right out and admitting it.
Oh, and they do so in the name of Martin Luther King Jr.:
Oh, just imagine the protest songs:
-"We Shall Overcome (Now that we've lost our power to overcome the gays we've been oppressing for decades)"-
-"Let's-gay-ban Martin & John"-
-"If I had a hammer -- and/or a machine to clone Clarence Thomas" -
-"A change is gonna come (no matter what credible science says)"-
-"I am Concerned Woman, Hear My Lore"-
-"Culture War! What is it Good For? (hint: our wallets)"-
-"This Land is My Land, This Land is best Banned, from California (yes on 8!) to the New York Islands (Go Ruben Diaz!)"-
-"The Anns are just friends, they're blowin' off the sinned"-
-"Fight the Power (of the independent judiciary)"-
Although they can leave "Okie From Muskogee" pretty much untouched (even if satire was the original intent):
**EARLIER: The text of the Manhattan Declaration (which was also crafted by Focus on the Family's Jim Daly and NOM's Robert George, among others)