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Welcome to the Andrea Lafferty offense boat, entire state of Massachusetts!
The Traditional Values Coalition is of one of only a small handful of American organizations to descend to a bar so low that it qualifies them for the Southern Poverty Law Center's anti-gay hate groups list. And executive directorAndrea Lafferty is on record saying some truly heinous things, whether those words concern her science-ignoring ideas about what does and does not supposedly constitute a sexual orientation, her suggestion that open service constitutes a "massacre" of the military," her accusation that President Obama cares about nothing "except Islam and the undermining of our nation," or her belief that a Congressional hearing concerning transgender nondiscrimination constituted a "freak show."
But that's just how we, as part of the wacky online activist media, see it. For staid, mainstream media outlets like The Associated Press, Andrea is perfectly fit to contribute comments like this to our national discourse:
Andrea Lafferty, executive director of the Traditional Values Coalition, called Tauro's ruling "judicial activism" and said [U.S. District Judge Joseph Tauro] was a "rogue judge." Gay marriage advocates will keep pushing their agenda in the courts, she said, but noted voters often reject gay marriage at the ballot box, including in a recent California vote.
"We can't allow the lowest common denominator states, like Massachusetts, to set standards for the country," Lafferty said.
Federal gay marriage ban is ruled unconstitutional [AP]
(H/t: Scott Hutcheson)
The entire commonwealth of Massachusetts is a "lowest common denominator state"? Wow, there are much better ways to express your disdain for the BoSox, A.L.!
But let's be honest: She's not just talking about MA. Andrea's also talking about those Northeastern neighbors like CT and VT that have also made great strides in terms of LGBT equality. It's the whole "real America" vs. "fake America" meme that the modern far-right loves so damn much. You know, the one that offensively divides us, ensuring that we will never know our collective strength? Yea, that's one that the AP is putting in print, all in the name of balance.
Seriously, MSM: You do know that free speech and free press do not constitutionally require you to give equal time to such clearly beyond the pale voices -- right?