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Activist Video: Activist Iowa judge actively giving activist speech on active activist decision!
You've heard us talk about the inappropriateness of social conservatives' current campaign to remove the three Iowa justices who are on the ballot in this year's retention vote (David Baker, Michael Streit and Chief Justice Marsha Ternus) simply because they, the self-appointed moral monopolists, don't like the way the UNANIMOUS marriage equality decision went down. But now hear from the man who actually wrote the Varnum opinion (by luck of the draw), Republican appointee Mark Cady, as he shares his views on the independent judiciary's pivotal role and the need to do what's right even in the face of rage and/or complacency:
'Independence' cited by justice in same-sex case [Des Moines Register]
**SEE ALSO: What Terry Branstad, former state governor ('83-'99) and current GOP candidate to return to the governor's office, had to say about Cady back when he appointed him:
The Cedar Rapids Gazette, 9/20/98