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Audio: Gays are emotional roller coasters, says group that puts gays on emotional roller coaster

by Jeremy Hooper

BoykinLieutenant General William G. Boykin (retired) speaking with the Family Research Council's Tony Perkins (biases in need to retirement):

(click to play audio clip)
*AUDIO SOURCE: Washington Watch Weekly-8/6/10 [FRC]

The ACLU has more power than "the church" (as a monolith)? That's like saying doctors have more power than humans. Or architects have more power than suede shoe manufacturers. Or baseball coaches have more power than play-by-play announcers. Because in truth, "the church" and the American Civil Liberties Union are two independent things. And just like doctors are humans/serve humans, buildings keep suede shoes dry, and ball coaches keep announcers well foddered, the ACLU is an organization whose employees and affiliates come from multiple faith perspectives, and whose constitutional interest defends church's whenever true religious freedom is truly being stifled!

But what do we know? We're just unstable gays whose mental well-being hangs by a tenuous thread. Hide the hand grenades.

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