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Audio: Maggie's defiant, wants to turn SCOTUS into 'American Idol'
Maggie Gallagher continues her outrageous hope for the U.S. Supreme Court to base their opinions on whatever anti-equality election returns she and her supporters can rally up in the coming months. As if civil rights are akin to a high school popularity contest or something:
(click to play audio clip)
*AUDIO SOURCE: Maggie on Lars Larson Show: “An outrageous exercise in judicial tyranny” [NOM]
Right, Maggie. It's your hostility towards a minority population's civil rights that's going to pass historical muster for the first time in American civic life. Uh huh.
Now if you'll excuse me, my legally-wedded, equally-penised husband is making dinner. Peace out. Or actually, I guess today: Peace in!
*RELATED: Judge Walker's glorious Prop 8 decision