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Audio: Prop 8 proponents attacks' span from comical to canonical

by Jeremy Hooper

National Organization For Marriage Founding Chairman Robert George:

(click to play audio clip)
*AUDIO SOURCE: The Hugh Hewitt Show [TownHall]

Walker's acting like "a secular Pope"? NO! WRONG SIMILE! Why do even the labels meant to "radicalize" the judge of civil law have to be faith-based?!

Did Judge Walker take a certain viewpoint when it came to religious condemnations against gays and their marriages? YOU BETCHA'! His "one side of the theological debate" is that Robert George and company's theological bases are not enough to take down their LGB neighbors' civil rights! The religious harms that are of his concern are the ones that get in the way of a very true component of true religious freedom: Freedom from having lawful citizenship stymied in the name of God. The anti-gay side doesn't get to pray away the gay, nor do they get to prey away the 14th amendment! Period.


**What Walker actually wrote/cited about religious-based stifling of gays' civil rights:


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