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Brian's changed: National Organization For Marriage prez dabbled in 'ex-gay' lifestyle

by Jeremy Hooper

Brian-BrownNowadays, National Organization For Marriage president Brian Brown is way too politically savvy to encourage gays into scientifically discredited "ex-gay" change. But that wasn't always the case. Back when Brian was heading up the Family Institute of Connecticut and the national interest was much more lacking on the subject, a less public version of Brian was all about helping parents "prevent your child from embracing this destructive way of life":

(click to enlarge)
“LOVE WON OUT” CONFERENCE IN BOSTON ON OCT. 29TH [Brian Brown]  On October 29th, 2005, Focus on the Family will be holding a Love Won Out Conference at Tremont Temple Church, 88 Tremont Street in Boston, MA. A complimentary Pastor’s Breakfast will be held Sept. 8th from 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at Tremont Temple Church for clergy wishing to learn more about the conference.  With Connecticut’s same-sex civil union law going into effect one month from today, pastors, parents and other concerned citizens will be increasingly forced to face issues relating to homosexuality. The Family Institute of Connecticut, therefore, strongly recommends that our members attend Love Won Out in Boston.  At the conference, you will hear from nationally known experts who have firsthand experience with the seldom-told side of the homosexual issue. You’ll learn how to minister to a loved one who’s dealing with homosexuality, respond to misinformation in our culture, defend biblical beliefs and prevent your child from embracing this destructive way of life.  Ministers who attend the Sept. 8th Pastor’s Breakfast will be Focus on the Family’s guests for a complimentary breakfast and morning seminar that will equip them to more effectively convey the truth about homosexuality, compassionately without compromising. Three of Love Won Out’s keynote speakers will share their testimonies and address specific topics.
Family Institute of CT (archive)

What do we hear from NOM all the time? False victimization. Charges that Brian and crew will be unfairly labeled "bigots." An attempt to flip the script to make the anti-LGBT crowd seem like the sympathetic figures.

But here we have it, almost five years ago to the date: Brian ignoring a preponderance of credible science to say that gays can and should pray away the gay. When it comes to Brian's career in LGBT politics, somehow we're having a hard time feeling sorry for whatever historical meme might take hold.


***UPDATE: Whoa, wow -- now NOM is risking political capital on "ex-gay" defense: NOM on 'ex-gay' group: Merely 'helping gay people lead Christian lives' [G-A-Y]

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