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Dear Family Research Council: You're playing the wrong tune, kiddos!
The Family Research Council may like "Battlestar Gallactica" tunes. But the guy who birthed those tunes is certainly not a fan of the Washington "pro-family" group's anti-LGBT message. At all:
Bear McCreary
Hey everybody...
Thanks for making me aware of this. I just wanted to add my own two cents here, as the composer of "Prelude to War."
First of all, I absolutely hate that my music has ended up being the main title theme for this guy's online hate speech. It seems whoever produced this video was drawn to the strong military themes in the music, and is probably oblivious to the fact that it comes from a series with an open embrace of gays in the military. At least that inherent irony makes me laugh, since they completely missed the mark in that regard.
In the modern internet era, the use of intellectual property has been a subject of constant debate. While I firmly believe that an artist has the right to control where their music ends up, I'm also a realist and recognize that trying to stop anyone from stealing your music and using it somewhere else is like trying to stop a tidal wave with a cork. My music has shown up in dozens of web videos that I'm aware of, which probably means hundreds more I'm not.
I rarely acknowledge when someone illegally uses my music in another medium, even though most of the uses are entertaining works by BSG fans, or independent filmmakers. By logging in here and addressing this person's video, it appears that I'm tacitly endorsing every video online where I DIDN'T log in and say something. This is, of course, not the case. There are plenty of other videos out there with my music illegally used in them. And I'm certain I don't agree with the message of some of them.
However, this video really pisses me off. I have alerted NBC Universal and we are in the process of getting it removed on the grounds of copyright infringement. I can't stand for my work being distorted for use in an out-dated and bigoted message. That is not in the spirit of my compositions nor the series for which they were written.
So Say We All!
McCreary stopping a group from using his songs for the purposes of cruel and unjust bias? That a Bear Bar even the hairless and the lesbians can get behind!
**EARLIER: Hey Bear McCreary: Do you want your music used for anti-gay bigotry?
*UPDATE, 8/6: Videos have been pulled from YouTube: Oh dear, FRC, was it something we said? [G-A-Y]
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