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Delgaudio pens another mass e-blast; boner pills spam moves up an e-spectability notch
He's baaaaack! Eugene Delgaudio (pic., bucking bareback on male cattle), he of the crazy anti-LGBT e-blasts that are picked up by mainstream conservative outlets like TownHall, has penned yet another long-winded, truth-defying manifesto about those evil gays and their attempts to "ram" various things into various legislative openings.
Once again, the whole thing plays out like a man working out his concerns through a very public email -- one part fallacious conservative activism (e.g. insistence that ENDA comes with quotas, even though the bill language specifically rejects the same), one part public therapy session (e.g. "sometimes my job feels like the loneliest in the world"). Enjoy:
(*Hat tip: RJ)
Dear [supporter],
Wave after wave.
The Homosexual Onslaught is relentless.
First the Homosexual Lobby rammed their disastrous Thought Control Bill into law. Now the Healthcare bill packed with homosexual paybacks has passed.
And it’s about to get worse.
The Homosexual Lobby is whipping up a tsunami of political momentum. And it is up to pro-family Americans like you and I to save our precious traditional values.
The Gay Bill of Special Right may come up up for debate in the House of Representatives any time now. We are running out of time, and I need your help to keep our lobbying efforts alive.
First, I need your signature on the petition to Congressman .
After signing the petition, will you please make a one-time emergency donation of $100? I know that’s asking a lot, but the stakes are higher than ever before.
You see, I must raise $180,000 in the next two weeks to organize a massive lobbying campaign and mobilize over 500,000 more pro-family activists like you to fight this evil bill.
If I don’t raise the funds, weak-kneed moderates in Congress will assume this in a one-sided battle – that “everyone” is in favor of the Gay Bill of Special Rights.
[Supporter], if we don’t act now, the Homosexual Lobby will ram it right down our throats.
Should the Gay Bill of Special Rights become the law of the land, the consequences will be disastrous for the family, individual freedom, workplace safety and American business.
If the Homosexual Lobby rams through the Gay Bill of Special Rights, the federal government will hand control of the American economy over to radical homosexuals.
In addition to preferential hiring quotas for homosexuals as a protected “minority,” it will be nearly impossible to terminate or even discipline an open homosexual -- even in day cares or churches.
Employers will be forced to hire even unqualified homosexual candidates or face the Homosexual Lobby’s army of rabid lawyers.
I know this all sounds like something out of a nightmare. If I didn’t spend so much time in the nation’s capital fighting for the Family, I wouldn’t believe it could happen here in America.
Honestly, sometimes my job feels like the loneliest in the world.
It seems as though I have so few allies in my fight to defeat the Gay Bill of Special Rights.
But I am sustained knowing you and thousands of others still stand by me in my struggle to protect the Family and our nation from the radical Homosexual Agenda.
All around me, agents of the radical Homosexual Lobby are strutting through the halls of Congress bragging about how they’ve finally beaten us.
And if you and I don’t act now, they may be right.
This is our last chance to stop the Gay Bill of Special Rights. It can be done, but I need your help right away!
If Public Advocate is going to to mount a successful lobbying campaign against the Gay Bill of Special Rights, I must have you sign the petition to your Congressman by clicking here.
With your signed petition in hand, I can prove that Public Advocate supporters still stand for the American family and against the radical Homosexual Agenda.
In addition, I must raise $180,000 in the next two weeks to mobilize hundreds of thousands of volunteers.
So please, after signing the petition, consider a donation to Public Advocate and be as generous as you can.
I hardly need to remind you of the consequences if the Gay Bill of Special Rights becomes law.
Overnight, practicing homosexuals will be given a new set of extra workplace “rights” which allows them to sexually and politically harass their coworkers while remaining immune to discipline or termination.
Quotas will be established in offices all over the country forcing employers to give radical homosexual jobs over more qualified Americans.
Every day, as I walk through the halls of Congress, I feel the eyes of radical homosexuals on me. Their hatred is obvious, and they are everywhere.
They seem to have gotten to nearly everyone who was weak or wavering.
Everywhere I go now, old allies tell me they can’t afford to “make a fuss” over stopping the Gay Bill of Special Rights, because the Homosexual Agenda has “so much public support.”
The Homosexual Lobby’s momentum -- their wins on Thought Control and now Healthcare -- has convinced many Congressmen that no one still stands for the family.
Lawmakers tell me they don’t believe pro-family Americans are willing to fight anymore.
They say that fighting the Homosexual Agenda is no longer popular in Washington.
They say that “everyone” agrees with the Gay Bill of Special Rights.
I don’t believe they are right about you or America. Help me prove them wrong.
We must make them understand that a majority of Americans do oppose special rights for homosexuals.
That’s why I need you to please sign the petition to your Congressman immediately by clicking here. I will use these petitions to prove to wavering Congressman that Public Advocate supporters still stand by the family and against the Homosexual Agenda.
Also, to help me rally hundreds of thousands of pro-family activists across the nation to lobby against the Gay Bill of Special Rights, please make a generous contribution of $100 after signing the petition.
I know I am asking for a lot of money, but this is an emergency.
If $100 is simply too much today, can I count on your for $50 or $25 along with your signed petition?
Even a $5 or $10 donation will go a long way. No matter what you can afford, no donation is too small.
Time is running out, but we can still win if we stand together.
I know deep in my heart that the Gay Bill of Special of Rights can be beaten. I need your help. I need you to stand with me.
Can I count on you?
We need to stop the radical Homosexual Lobby now, while we still can. Please help right away by signing the petition to your Congressman.
For the family,
Eugene Delgaudio
President, Public Advocate
P.S. With the recent wave of anti-family “victories” on Thought Control and Homosexual Healthcare, the Homosexual Lobby’s now riding high and preparing to force through the very worst of their radical agenda: the Gay Bill of Special Rights.
We need to reassert the strength of pro-family Americans right away.
That’s why I am mounting a massive lobbying campaign that will cost $180,000.
I am counting on your one-time emergency donation of $100 and your signed petition immediately. If $100 is simply too much for you right now, please send $50 or $25.
Even a $5 or $10 donation will go a long way. No matter what you can afford, no donation is too small.