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Exclusive: 'Pro-family' radio host Penna Dexter blames 15-year-old for his own shooting death
Penna Dexter says slain teen Larry King "was allowed in a sense to bully heterosexual kids through his orientation," and that killer Brandon McInerney was "never, ever protected from [Larry's] advances on him":
(click to play audio clip)
*AUDIO SOURCE: 8/13/10 [Point of View Radio]
This little rant came during a segment in which Focus on the Family's schools "expert," Candi Cushman, was once again working her "true tolerance" message, which we all know is really just a stealth way of overlooking the real and demonstrable problem of anti-LGBT bias. And honestly, there could not be a better example of just how wrongheaded and dangerous this "true tolerance" message truly is. Because here we have a young man, robbed of his life during his teen years, in an act of premeditated murder. MURDER. Cold blood. The ultimate act of bullying. And yet Penna's mind has the nerve, much less the ability, to suggest that the still-breathing BRANDON was the one in need of more protection?! And to suggest that if Larry had only been encouraged to stifle his orientation and/or gender expression, then we'd all be better off?! How unbelievably offensive! And again: Dreadfully dangerous!
These "pro-family" figures who ignore the very real, very tragic problem of anti-LGBT bias in public schooling act as if harassment against a kid because his or her orientation, identity, or expression is equally as worrisome as the orientation, identity, or expression itself. They see an LGBT teen's choice to live openly and honestly as a form of bullying. And in doing so, these anti-LGBT voices both overlook a real world problem that we as a society could come together and actually solve, as well as give a pass to anyone who cites their personal, typically faith-based discomfort with LGBT people as a valid reason for utilizing teases, taunts, punches, or even guns. That is not "true tolerance": It is true negligence.
*Lest you think this "Point of View" show is ultra fringe, here are some recent guests who have appeared on the program: Steve Forbes, Mitt Romney, Fred Thompson, Newt Gingrich, Pat Buchanan, Jim Dobson, Congressman Lamar Smith (R-TX), Congressman Charles Djou (R-HI), Congressman Kevin Brady (R-TX), Maggie Gallagher, Congresswoman Virginia Foxx (R-NC), Ambassador John Bolton, Gary Bauer, Sen. Jim DeMint (R-SC), Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann (R-MN), Ken Blackwell, Peter Sprigg,Tony Perkins, Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK), Phyllis Schlafly, Congressman Jack Kingston (R-GA), Dallas mayor Ton Leppert, S.E. Cupp, and numerous other members of the conservative mainstream.