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ME: With new leader, historically incendiary group to locate thermostat?

by Jeremy Hooper

Maine, the Mike Heath era is officially over:

"The fact is, we must accept some of the responsibility for the perception of Christians who stand for the traditional definition of marriage as being hateful.

I remind you, that as the Executive Director of the Christian Civic League of Maine, I stand uncompromisingly and steadfastly in the aggressive defense of the Biblical historical definition of marriage. However,
I must tell you there are times that I am truly shocked and embarrassed by the hatred and disregard for human beings that I occasionally witness within our ranks. While we may strongly disagree with those who choose to abandon the Judeo-Christian ethic as our moral and legislative baseline, we must also denounce those amongst us that choose to ignore our spiritual obligation to “love the sinner, and hate the sin.” I truly believe that much of our ineffectiveness in reaching a lost world with the Gospel and thereby transforming our culture is due to vain lip service to “loving the sinner.”"
Carroll Conley, Executive director of the Christian Civic League of Maine/Maine Family Policy Council

Of course the easiest way for Mr. Conley to get away from shocking comments and "disregard for human beings" would be to back off the movement that says gay people's desire demand to live as they were created and love as they deserve is a "culture war" battle rather than just a benign reality. But until that glorious day, we'll take comfort in knowing that he has witnessed the eye-opening anti-gay nonsense that has kept us awake at night. The admission is refreshing, even if the cure is still out of mental/rhetorical grasp.

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