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No, no, FRC doesn't do the whole people/animals thing. Ya know, except on the first page of one of their anti-gay brochures, complete with a graphic of a horse

by Jeremy Hooper

Earlier today, we showed you some video wherein the Family Research Council's Tom McCluskey responded to radio host David Pakman's mention of the way social conservatives sometimes liken same-sex unions to bestiality by saying, "you're not gonna hear the people and animals argument from [FRC]." So that being the case, we here at G-A-Y now feel compelled to remind Mr. McClusky that a horse is, in fact, part of the animal kingdom. An animal upon which FRC has quite gladly relied in the past:

The Family Research Council's "Slippery Slope To Same-Sex Marriage" document, page 1:
Screen Shot 2010-08-13 At 2.06.20 Pm
(H/t to G-A-Y commenter Christopher)

Though knowing FRC's duplicity, they'd probably say that we still didn't hear the people/animals claims -- we just read them.

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