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No, no, FRC doesn't do the whole people/animals thing. Ya know, except on the first page of one of their anti-gay brochures, complete with a graphic of a horse
Earlier today, we showed you some video wherein the Family Research Council's Tom McCluskey responded to radio host David Pakman's mention of the way social conservatives sometimes liken same-sex unions to bestiality by saying, "you're not gonna hear the people and animals argument from [FRC]." So that being the case, we here at G-A-Y now feel compelled to remind Mr. McClusky that a horse is, in fact, part of the animal kingdom. An animal upon which FRC has quite gladly relied in the past:
The Family Research Council's "Slippery Slope To Same-Sex Marriage" document, page 1:
(H/t to G-A-Y commenter Christopher)
Though knowing FRC's duplicity, they'd probably say that we still didn't hear the people/animals claims -- we just read them.