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NOM on 'ex-gay' group: Merely 'helping gay people lead Christian lives'

by Jeremy Hooper

On second thought, maybe the National Organization For Marriage and its officials no longer care about hiding their "ex-gay" support. Check out this little blip that was just posted to NOM's blog:

NOMAn earthquake is beginning: If "gay is like black," then "Christian is like racist." The early warning signs are now taking place all over the globe. In New Zealand, Exodus Ministries was just stripped of its tax-exempt status, on the grounds that helping gay people lead Christian lives is not a charity Exodus Ministries stripped of tax-exempt status in New Zealand. [NOM]

As most of you likely know: This New Zealand Exodus program is part of the American-based Exodus International/Exodus Global Alliance, a coalition where the sole focus -- THE SOLE FOCUS! -- is on changing gays into that scientifically-discredited state known as "ex-gay." Which is exactly why in New Zealand, the Charities Commission denied charitable status to this group: Because of the staunch rejection that groups like the American Psychological Association have rightly shown towards these unbacked, potentially dangerous programs. Groups don't get to be recognized as charitable, simply because they say it's so. And LGBT-themed groups don't get to say something is factual simply because it fits their "love the sinner, hate the sin" narrative!

Yet here we have NOM spinning this into an attack on Christianity? Standing up for "ex-gayness," a notion that even a large percentage of marriage equality opponents proudly reject? Risking their reputation and capital (and reliable natural disaster allusions) on advocacy for "pray away the gay" programs?

Wow, you're really getting sloppy, Maggie!

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