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One MN, one 'whoa, man!': NOM targets North Star State
Surprise, surprise: Target's favorite candidate for Minnesota governor, Tom Emmer (R), is also National Organization for Marriage's top guy:
Oh, and look: NOM's now incorporating the "angry gay protestors" meme, building on the victimization routine that they rehearsed all during their failure of a summer tour. So essentially they've created an ad 100% about a majority's supposed right to vote on a minority population's civil rights, yet in a particularly absurd version of the blame the victim game, are turning around and saying that it's their denied, dehumanized, discriminated against target that is somehow out of line.
Hopefully their shame won't forget to write.
*Minnesota Independent has more, as well as a transcript: NOM’s anti-gay marriage radio ads hitting Minnesota airwaves [MN IN]
**ALSO: We've been warning you that NOM is aggressively targeting Minnesota. They are laying groundwork with the local Catholic church, and all of the other usual suspects that they've used against us in other states. The time time care is now!