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Our opposition's electoral strategy: Yes to NOM, no to 'nom, nom, nom'

by Jeremy Hooper

In California's Prop 8 debate, Rev. Jim Garlow was front in center. In Maine's Question One rollback of marriage equality, Catholic Bishop Richard Malone was omnipresent. Now those two men are joining bicoastal forces, along with other "pro-family" figures like Chuck Colson and the Southern Baptist leader Richard Land, for the purposes of malnourishing socially conservative voters before the midterm elections:

The Rev. Jim Garlow, a San Diego pastor who has led opposition to gay marriage, says Christians will be asked to fast and pray from Sept. 20 to Oct. 30.
Organizers of the effort, called "Pray & ACT," also include Roman Catholic Bishop Richard Malone of Portland, Maine, Southern Baptist leader Dr. Richard Land, Chuck Colson, and the Rev. Jack Hayford.
Conservative Christians call for 40-day fast [AP via KXNET]

Only until Oct. 30? What, are pumpkin-shaped cookies and fun-sized Snickers bars just too tempting to resist or something? Where's your commitment to go all the way to the 11/2 election day, kiddos? Wouldn't logic suggest that the day before and day of would be the MOST important?

These are the questions that keep us up at night. Well actually, no -- what keeps us up at night is the idea that our fellow citizens despise our lives and loves enough to cut off their personal food supply for over a month. But the technical aspects do give us at least a moment's pause.


*EARLIER: Garlow speakings the virtues of fasting: Video: Because eating away our peace requires an empty stomach [G-A-Y]

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