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Pinning a tall tale on Democratic donkeys
We are so sick of seeing variations on this line pop up in conservative commentaries:
A federal judge in San Francisco ruled Wednesday that President Obama is a bigot. And not just the president. Joe Biden as well, and Hillary Rodham Clinton and Sandra Day O'Connor. And maybe you, too.
*Read more: Nelson Lund: Prop. 8 judge makes strange charge [SF Chronicle]
No, no, no, no, no! Because while yes, Obama and Clinton and Biden have, annoyingly, failed to come out publicly for full and unqualified marriage equality, ALL OF THEM are opposed to state and federal-level constitutional amendments that ban same-sex unions! Not a one of them wanted Prop 8 to ever happen, so overturning Prop 8 did not declare any of these three Dems to be "bigots." Instead, it both validated their lack of support for cruel and un-American amendments like Proposition 8, while also sending them more reasons (cover?) to come around and support fully equality under civil law!
It's surely comforting for Prop 8 proponents to tell themselves that even noted left-leaning voices are on their side on this issue. But in this case, they are deriving their sense of comfort from an absolute lie!