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Reliably volatile messaging's on the wall, but NOM doesn't seem to care. Seems to like it, even.
They've been featuring it on their Twitter page for months. But now the National Organization For Marriage has solidified their bond to Louis "gays want pedophilia, polygamy, and prostitution" Marinelli's incendiary "Protect Marriage: One Man, One Woman" Facebook page, embedding that very F'book wall into their TwoMillionForMarriage site:
So why is this a thing of note? Well, because this is a Facebook page where conversations like this one are playing out on a daily basis:
This is the same F'book wall where a commenter recently suggested that California should be "glassed with nuclear warheads," and one where gays have been called "victims of mental illness." Where not only the commenters bend towards the fringe, but where even the moderator posts Paul Cameron-quipping pages that claim gays are "propelling our society toward a premature demise":
And it's all now an official part of Maggie Gallagher and Brian Brown's National Organization For Marriage.