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So *that's* why we saw white penises drawn on the Summary Of Testimony!

by Jeremy Hooper

We've heard Judge Vaughn Walker called lots of things. But gay gossip blogger is a new one:

"The man responsible for the opinion is United States District Chief Judge Vaughn R. Walker, whose conduct at trial and tone in the opinion resembles Perez Hilton at the Miss America pageant [ed: actually Miss USA] Who can forget Hilton who, when Miss California said she believed marriage to be the union between one man and one woman, famously ranted: "[L]et me explain to you: she lost, not because she doesn't believe in gay marriage. Miss California lost because she is a dumb [expletive], okay?"

And that's about as good an explanation as any of Judge Walker's conclusions in this case. Actually, if Prop. 8 supporters prevail on appeal, it shouldn't surprise anyone to see Judge Walker follow Hilton's advice to snatch "that tiara off her head" and run "out the door.
-The Concerned Women For America's resident concerned man, Mario Diaz

Yea, Mario? An esteemed federal judge's trial behavior and subsequent 136 page ruling is akin to a gossip blogger's 201008130944widely denounced, somewhat misogynistic reactions to a beauty pageant runner-up's somewhat inarticulate, factually inaccurate answer atop a Donald Trump-produced Las Vegas stage? Wow, just when we think the social conservatives' Prop 8 postmortems can't lower the discourse any further, here comes the implication that a conservative-appointed judge is going to snatch a tiara!

What next, M.D.: Gonna liken Kagan's SCOTUS selection to the wrong girl being chosen on "The Bachelor"?

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