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Video: Another NOM ad, another reliance on dark clouds and lightning
The latest from the National Organization for Marriage, working in cahoots with New Hampshire's Cornerstone Policy Research:
Ooh, scare-weather. Don't they have anything else in their creative arsenal?!
And true to NOM/CPR form, the ad is completely and unapologetically disingenuous. Like just take the marriage portion -- here is what Binnie actually said he's "excited" about:
Beginning Jan. 1, New Hampshire law will allow gay marriage, but will also offer legal protections to churches and clergy who choose not to perform gay marriages.
After the press conference, Binnie spokesman Colin Maynard said Binnie wanted to focus on economic issues. When pressed to clarify Binnie's stance on gay marriage, Maynard said Binnie supports New Hampshire's law because it allows churches to do what they are comfortable with.
"He's excited (the law) chose to give an option for gay couples to identify themselves as married within the law, but also having an opt-out for churches," Maynard said.
Binnie: Senate needs businessman [Concord Monitor, Nov. 5, 2009]
Yes, that's right: He expressed support for the extra religious protections in the New Hampshire law. You know, the very thing that should make social conservatives happy? That's what's Binnie's people cheered. And yet when passed through NOM's filter, Binnie's all of a sudden "a liberal gay activist" who should scare social conservatives.
Now, we of course wish all candidates were "excited" about same-sex unions. And we also think these added religious protections are wholly unnecessary, since the civil marriage/religious ceremony distinction is more than enough. But regardless: The fact here is that Binnie said one thing, and NOM/CPR are spinning like mad to make it sound as f he said another. That should not concern pro- or anti-marriage activists, but rather *anyone* who cares about fair discourse!
**RELATED: Bill Binnie slaps Kelly Ayotte with FEC complaint [Politico]
**RELATED2: They've been running a similar radio ad for a few weeks now.