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Video: Judge not lest peace be budged
"The people" vs. the courts: The false and dangerous dichotomy that the far-right continues unapologetically using in order to divide and misinform our population. Oh, and with NOM's false victimization strategy thrown in for bad measure:
Oh, and as for that warning to gay activists that the court can be activist "against" us someday? What these "pro-family" folks fail to realize (or at least admit) is that the Iowa Supreme Court wasn't ever "for" us! The unanimous justices were for accurate readings of the constitution and its promises! If they should ever turn against that, a reasoned consideration of the evidence before them, then they might be subject to a principled backlash. But it won't be a turn away from "pro-gay" activism: It would be a retreat from the educated duties that they are sworn to uphold!