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Video: #NOMTour speaker Olden Thornton: 'Jesus is coming back for a bride' and so can you!

by Jeremy Hooper

Yesterday, Pastor Olden Thornton spoke at the Raleigh, North Carolina, National Organization for Marriage rally. Adding one more person to the stable of NOM summer tour speakers who thinks (and says) that gay people are broken people who can and should change their sexual orientation:

Hey pastor Thornton: Don't care about your definition of hate, your views on genetics, or your personally held faith views. Just keep all of those off my CIVIL marriage!


*EARLIER: A look at some of the other "ex-gay"-emboldening voices from NOM's summer tour (see roundup in latter part of post): #NOMTour speakers: 'Change' credible science can't believe in [G-A-Y]

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