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Video: Right, why should Brian have to answer questions from someone he's actually hurting?
We've always been of the opinion that when working from the cuff, Brian tends to give bad talking head. He proved this to us specifically during the federal Prop 8 trial. And yesterday, he showed the Courage Campaign's NOM Tour Trackers the same thing:
NOM’s Brian Brown gets the full David Blankenhorn treatment [NOM Tour Tracker]
"I don't accept the language you are using." Translation: "My rhetoric collapses in on itself when ripped from the warm confines of carefully workshopped talking points!"
Keep it up, Arisha!
*Another thing that's always interesting: The way these folks condemn academia for supposedly being so pro-LGBT, yet never ask themselves why higher education (as in learning; as in knowledge) is so fully against the anti-equality agenda. Of course it's easy to use a word like "liberal indoctrination" and call it a day. But it doesn't take a PhD to realize that academia is perhaps the purest marketplace of scholarly ideas, and that this collective body of knowledge is vastly (and increasingly) in support of full fairness under the civil law for all citizens in all fifty states!
*Oh, and Brian: Can you please stop with the "Joe Solmon-ay-see" pronunciation?! You went to Oxford, dude. You can surely take twenty seconds to learn the name of the president of one of your prominent opposition groups.